Thursday, January 8, 2015

HAPPY 2015!!

    It's a new year. You know what that means? New Year's resolutions. Usually people resolve to get fit, to try new foods, to travel more. This year I resolved to do what I want and to be who I want.
    All of my life I've been what I feel other people would like. Not in 2015. Don't get me wrong I'm not expecting some huge over night change. I'm not even planning on being completely myself by 2016, but 2015 is the starting point. This year I'm allowing Alaysha to be Alaysha a little bit at a time. I'm going to be the babybat, One Direction loving, alternative, vegetarian that I truly am inside.
    As far as doing what I want goes I think I'm already on the right track. I've always wanted to start a youtube channel and yesterday I made my first video (to be uploaded at a later date) and I'm very happy with myself. There are so many things I want to buy so I'm going to get another job so that I can. I have been wanting to restretch my ears for a while now and so I'm doing it. I just bought a new taper, tunnel, and plug kit and later today I'm planning on stretching to 14g. 
    These are the first resolutions I've made that are realistic for me. I'm really excited to keep them and see where this year takes me.
    Did you make resolutions for 2015?