Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas and Goodbye (for now)

    So this blog thing is over... I'm pretty sad about it. Writing every so often was pretty fun. Actually I kind of do this type of thing all the time on my tumblr.
    These 10 posts were for a grade which helped me keep them formal and I liked that. On tumblr I don't use punctuation. (I also rant too much) I didn't do that here. I also tend to be too open but not here. I had to think about what I wrote more than I usually do, so I really reflected on what I was saying before I said it. This helped me put some of my values into perspective (maybe I value famous people too much)
    I actually have always wanted to have a legitimate blog but I was just too lazy to make one. Now I have one! I don't really know where this is going to go but I do know I am going to continue. 
    I mean, what's the good in starting if you never finish? (10) 

(10) - rhetorical question

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Bah Humbug!

    I'm not really in the Christmas spirit this year. I'm just not feeling it. 
   Usually Christmas makes me very happy but not this year. It's my first Christmas without my grandfather and I'm just not feeling it. I've been trying to listen to Christmas music for the past 3 days to hype me up and that's not helping. I don't know. 
   It didn't help that we just put our Christmas stuff up this weekend or that I didn't get to hang out with all my favorite cousins, or that I had school Monday and Tuesday or that my cousins rubbed it in my face that they were hanging out and I was at school or that some unrelated person ruined my family Christmas party. (9)  I don't want to spend my Christmas in a room full of people I don't know. I'm probably going to hide in the bathroom the entire time. (If mother lets me)
   I really want Christmas to be over with already.

                                    This song is kind of how I'm feeling right now...

(9) - parallelism

Monday, December 22, 2014

High School is the Worst Time of Your Life

    I don't like high school, never have never will. Don't get me wrong I love learning, but high school, Waukegan in particular, is not the place I want to do it. 
    People in high school are so unnecessarily rude. They push you then expect you to apologize and stop to hug each other right in front of the stairs. They make you feel so uncomfortable because you are you. As a person who is always worried how other's view her, hearing one rude comment about my presence makes me rethink my entire life. I hate that about high school.
    I could talk forever about how much I hate homework. It gets in the way of my life. If I actually get all my homework done in one night I will be up until 12 a.m., at least. If I want to go out with friends all my homework has to be done first, and I can't go out on Sunday because it's a school night. I cannot do all my homework on Friday and Saturday. I don't do anything I like anymore because homework has taken over my life. My mom remarked just yesterday that she has one kid she can't get to start doing homework and another she can't get to stop. Why do you do this homework, why? (8)
    I miss family things all the time because of homework and I always take my homework with me. Brother's concert? I got my backpack. Vacation to Lake Geneva? Yup. I have my backpack. In the hospital sick? Don't worry I still have my backpack. I took homework to my grandfather's funeral. No one should be that loaded with homework. Adults like to blame it on waiting to the last minute. NOPE. I'm fairly good about not waiting til the last minute on everything. But I mean my time doesn't matter right?
    In high school no one treats you like an adult but everyone expects you to act like one. I have never understood this logic. Adults also command respect even though half the time they don't deserve it. Then they turn around and say "treat others as you want to be treated!" Yeah, um, I believe that applies to you, sir! Just because I am a minor does not mean I'm going to respect you. Point. Blank. Period. 
    Lately all the old students have been visiting. I can honestly say I'm not coming back all the time, maybe not ever. I am beyond ready to be done with this place.

(8) - apostrophe

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Solitary Confinement

    I like to be alone. I really like to be alone. Well, most of the time. I don't like to feel alone. No one likes to feel alone.
    When I'm at home I spend most of my time in my room. Probably 90% of my time at home is spent in my room. I like to turn my music on and do whatever has to be done. ALONE. I have the entire basement floor to myself, which makes it very easy for me to be alone. My family affectionately calls it "the dungeon" because I spend so much time down there. Whenever I do come up from "the dungeon", someone proudly announces "Alaysha has left the dungeon and come to see the light of day!" 
    It makes me very upset when anyone comes and interrupts my solace. It irritates me beyond reason when I "need" to be with the family and stop isolating myself. I WANT TO BE ISOLATED! That is why I stay downstairs! I wish everyone understood that I just like to be alone sometimes. 
    The adults in my life always tell me it isn't good to be isolated all the time. Every time I say it's not isolation because I like it, they say something like: isolation that doesn't feel like isolation is still isolation. (7)  Whatever...
    Sometimes I hate being isolated. Being in public and not knowing anyone is always really bad for me. In fact, earlier this year I attended a party for one of my friends in Round Lake. I got there before it was time for her to be announced and I just about lost it. I ran to the bathroom and called one of my friends, crying about how I was alone. Though that is one of the more extreme examples anytime this type of situation arises, that's how I feel. 
    Being in public alone is bad but being around people I know and feeling alone is worse. I'll often walk in on a conversation and have no clue what's going on. I personally dislike when new people join the conversation and ask for an explanation. I try not to be that person so I usually just sit there awkwardly trying to catch on. Most of the time I don't.
    Voluntary isolation isn't always a positive either. I get to over thinking about things that I shouldn't think about at all. Sometimes I do things I shouldn't, but that's apart of growing up, I guess.
    Isolation is a tricky subject in my life. It helps me unwind but it also is the cause of much of my sadness. Isolation is probably the cause for my self isolation, if that makes any sense...

(7) - epanalepsis

Saturday, December 20, 2014

525,600 Guinea Pigs

    Okay I don't actually have that many guinea pigs. I only have two. I don't know if I could handle that many! I can barely handle my two; they get into everything, but I love them unconditionally.
    Mayday and Applesauce are the only pets I've ever had. I worked really hard to get them. I researched everything anyone could possibly need to know about guinea pigs. I saved every penny I got, every single copper penny I saw, anything to get closer to getting my pigs. (6) From December to March, I didn't spend any amount of money, except for guinea pig necessities. I thought about guinea pigs day and night for about 4 months.
    In March I found the pig pair that I wanted to make mine. A white crested named Twinkle and a mostly black Abyssinian named Rocket. I sent in the adoption request and soon I was on my way to being a pet owner.
    On April 11th 2014, I went to pick up my babies. Upon taking Twinkle into my arms I noticed she had yellow patches, kind of like someone spilled applesauce on her... From that moment on she was Applesauce (which also happens to be my favorite food), or Apple for short. It took some weeks for Rocket to get her official name change. Finally the name came to me. I noticed she kept knocking things over and bullying Applesauce. As I scooped her up to scold her, my iPod began to play some song by Mayday Parade. And it hit me. Like a brick. Mayday was what she caused and that is what she would be called. 
    I love my little pigs. My favorite part of the day is coming home to them standing at the side of the cage, wheeking to greet me. As much trouble as they cause me, I don't know how I'd cope without their cute little faces yelling at me for coming home late or them cuddling up next to me to nap or catching my grandma talking to them and sneaking them bits of apple. 
Mayday, what are you looking for?

Apple, you look so angry...

May, you're so fluffy!

(6)- amplification

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Mis Amigos!

     As hard as it is to believe, I do actually have friends. I have some of the best friends I've ever had in my life right now. Now that I'm thinking about it I actually have a lot of friends...
    My two best friends are Katie and Beto. I'd be lost without them. I go to them with everything. I know I can count on them to be there for me at 1 in the morning on a Wednesday, when all of us should be asleep. They make time for me, and come to my events, and let me be myself, and they love me unconditionally. (5)  I don't know why they put up with me because I can be such an idiot, but they do, and I love them for it.
    Katie is one of my oldest friends. I've known her since 6th grade. She's always been that friend I can bare my soul to without her sugar coating anything. Up for sitting on the couch and watching you tube videos? Katie is your girl. Want to have a mini-photo shoot in the park then walk an hour to take your brother to soccer? Call Katie. She's really down for anything. We fight all the time, but can you expect any less from sisters?
    I actually haven't known Beto that long. Only since April 2014, I think. In that short span of time he has become one of my favorite people on earth. Something about him just makes me feel like I don't have to pretend. I can be a 100% fool and he'll still think of me in the same way. He knows things about me that no one else knows. As a plus we enjoy a lot of the same music and sports. This is one friendship that I refuse to lose.
I am stupid and they are cute and I love them so much!

(5) polysyndeton

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

What is a Decision?

    I'm not very happy at all today. In fact, today kind of sucked. So I'm going to talk about things that make me very upset. 
    Lately this huge decision has been looming over my head. I do not, DO NOT, like making even the smallest of decisions. I don't even like choosing between which pen to use, so this decision has been driving me insane. I've only been thinking about it for a month now and I haven't made any progress at all. I might even have back pedaled.
    The problem is this decision will change my entire life completely. I'm only 16, I don't know what I need! I don't even know what I'm eating for dinner tonight. 
    To give you the full understanding of how indecisive I am picture me in the kitchen, I'm rifling through the fridge and I find two things I think I want to eat. I know I shouldn't eat both... So instead of deciding which to eat, I just won't eat. Problem solved. Anything to not have to decide. If my mom buys 2 kinds of bagels and I don't know which type to eat I'll resort to crying because I just CANNOT decide. That, amplified by 200, is how sad and stressful my life has been lately. 
    I should change my name to Alaysha the Indecisive. (4) 

^Basically me making decisions^

(4) - epithet

Monday, December 15, 2014

"Let Me See Those Pearly Whites!"

    I really enjoy smiles. Seeing other people smile always brightens my day. Though I do not care to much for my own, certain people's smiles are so infectious I can't help but smile in return.
    One of my favorite smiles belongs to, the one and only, Harold Edward Styles. His smile is so perfect. He has straight white teeth and bubblegum pink lips. Pair that with his dimples and chubby cheeks and you have heaven in an image. Seeing his smile brings legitimate tears to my eyes. If I ever see him in person I'll only have seconds before I start bawling. I could continue talking about it, but nothing can compare to seeing it, so I will now inundate you with his precious face.

Seeing it in action is even better!

    If you are not experiencing extreme amounts of joy, you are a robot. Harry's smile is the 8th wonder of the world. (3) 
     There is only one other person who's smile makes me feel as warm and fuzzy as Harry's does. That person is David Escamilla. Viewing his smile everyday instantly gives me a boost. His teeth are so nice and bright, and he's always flashing them. Even when he's performing. His smile is so very contagious, when I met him over the summer I couldn't stop smiling for the next 2 hours. 

    He is basically a puppy inside a grown man's body. 
    The entirety of my existence just wants to make these 2 people smile every minute of everyday. That is something that would make me happy for the rest of my life.


Monday, December 8, 2014

Music, Música, Musiek, Muziko, âm nhạc, Musiqi

    Ah yes, music, the universal language. Also my favorite thing in the universe. (as you might have noted by my background) I don't really know how to explain my love of music. I think it's just always been there.
   I love playing music. I've been playing my main instrument, viola, for 10 years. I also play didgeridoo (let's be honest it's not that hard) and a little bit of guitar. I play a mean rendition of Hot Cross Buns on the piano, if I do say so myself! My latest musical endeavor has been learning various percussion instruments in the marching band. Basically, I know how to music fairly well. (2)
    My music taste is extremely varied, well varied for someone my age. I like a bit of rap, R&B, rock, indie, foreign music, bubblegum pop, boy bands, country, and anything else I think sounds good. Some of favorite artists are the 1975, Macklemore, Bruno Mars, Crown the Empire, Attila, One Direction, Dead Man's Bones, and The Cure. This list doesn't even to begin to cover
250+ artists I rotate through on a weekly basis. 
    Music has a really sentimental value for me as well. It has gotten me through so many horrible experiences. Sometimes I honestly think I owe music my life. 
(2) - anthimeria

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Life or Something like That

    I'm really very bad at making lists. I find it such a tedious task. So when trying to begin this blog I thought, "I'd much rather live in the moment and blog about it later." That didn't really work. So I finally sat down and created this list.

 Things that Make Alaysha Happy:

  • Music
  • Isolation
  • My best friends
  • Making other people smile
  • My Guinea pigs
  • Sad stories with happy endings
   Things that Make Alaysha Want to Punch Things:
  • Isolation
  • Decision making
  • Boys
  • Doing things I don't want to do
  • High School
  • Being very busy
   Judging by this list I'm a pretty basic person- you know the usual teenage interests: music and friends, basic. (1) I have a nice balance between caring for myself and caring for others. (I think) You might have noticed one particular thing on both lists and I promise I'll explain that later, maybe. I don't really know, I'm not going to force this, I'm just going to let it happen. Take it for what you will.

(Oh yeah, Hey! I'm Alaysha. This is my blog and I hope you don't hate it.)

(1) - distinctio