Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Bah Humbug!

    I'm not really in the Christmas spirit this year. I'm just not feeling it. 
   Usually Christmas makes me very happy but not this year. It's my first Christmas without my grandfather and I'm just not feeling it. I've been trying to listen to Christmas music for the past 3 days to hype me up and that's not helping. I don't know. 
   It didn't help that we just put our Christmas stuff up this weekend or that I didn't get to hang out with all my favorite cousins, or that I had school Monday and Tuesday or that my cousins rubbed it in my face that they were hanging out and I was at school or that some unrelated person ruined my family Christmas party. (9)  I don't want to spend my Christmas in a room full of people I don't know. I'm probably going to hide in the bathroom the entire time. (If mother lets me)
   I really want Christmas to be over with already.

                                    This song is kind of how I'm feeling right now...

(9) - parallelism

1 comment:

  1. Ha, great song, and right before Christmas I was totally with you on the bah humbug. Mine did get better, so I hope yours did too.
