Sunday, December 7, 2014

Life or Something like That

    I'm really very bad at making lists. I find it such a tedious task. So when trying to begin this blog I thought, "I'd much rather live in the moment and blog about it later." That didn't really work. So I finally sat down and created this list.

 Things that Make Alaysha Happy:

  • Music
  • Isolation
  • My best friends
  • Making other people smile
  • My Guinea pigs
  • Sad stories with happy endings
   Things that Make Alaysha Want to Punch Things:
  • Isolation
  • Decision making
  • Boys
  • Doing things I don't want to do
  • High School
  • Being very busy
   Judging by this list I'm a pretty basic person- you know the usual teenage interests: music and friends, basic. (1) I have a nice balance between caring for myself and caring for others. (I think) You might have noticed one particular thing on both lists and I promise I'll explain that later, maybe. I don't really know, I'm not going to force this, I'm just going to let it happen. Take it for what you will.

(Oh yeah, Hey! I'm Alaysha. This is my blog and I hope you don't hate it.)

(1) - distinctio

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