Monday, December 15, 2014

"Let Me See Those Pearly Whites!"

    I really enjoy smiles. Seeing other people smile always brightens my day. Though I do not care to much for my own, certain people's smiles are so infectious I can't help but smile in return.
    One of my favorite smiles belongs to, the one and only, Harold Edward Styles. His smile is so perfect. He has straight white teeth and bubblegum pink lips. Pair that with his dimples and chubby cheeks and you have heaven in an image. Seeing his smile brings legitimate tears to my eyes. If I ever see him in person I'll only have seconds before I start bawling. I could continue talking about it, but nothing can compare to seeing it, so I will now inundate you with his precious face.

Seeing it in action is even better!

    If you are not experiencing extreme amounts of joy, you are a robot. Harry's smile is the 8th wonder of the world. (3) 
     There is only one other person who's smile makes me feel as warm and fuzzy as Harry's does. That person is David Escamilla. Viewing his smile everyday instantly gives me a boost. His teeth are so nice and bright, and he's always flashing them. Even when he's performing. His smile is so very contagious, when I met him over the summer I couldn't stop smiling for the next 2 hours. 

    He is basically a puppy inside a grown man's body. 
    The entirety of my existence just wants to make these 2 people smile every minute of everyday. That is something that would make me happy for the rest of my life.


1 comment:

  1. Ha - great hyperbole, plus I liked the puppy metaphor at the end.

    harold is such a British name... and he does have an amazing smile (if I came say that without being gross, as he has to be fifteen or twenty years younger than me) - I had never noticed until I scrutinized your images, so you've enlightened me.

    I'm curious as to why you don't like your own smile...
