Tuesday, December 16, 2014

What is a Decision?

    I'm not very happy at all today. In fact, today kind of sucked. So I'm going to talk about things that make me very upset. 
    Lately this huge decision has been looming over my head. I do not, DO NOT, like making even the smallest of decisions. I don't even like choosing between which pen to use, so this decision has been driving me insane. I've only been thinking about it for a month now and I haven't made any progress at all. I might even have back pedaled.
    The problem is this decision will change my entire life completely. I'm only 16, I don't know what I need! I don't even know what I'm eating for dinner tonight. 
    To give you the full understanding of how indecisive I am picture me in the kitchen, I'm rifling through the fridge and I find two things I think I want to eat. I know I shouldn't eat both... So instead of deciding which to eat, I just won't eat. Problem solved. Anything to not have to decide. If my mom buys 2 kinds of bagels and I don't know which type to eat I'll resort to crying because I just CANNOT decide. That, amplified by 200, is how sad and stressful my life has been lately. 
    I should change my name to Alaysha the Indecisive. (4) 

^Basically me making decisions^

(4) - epithet

1 comment:

  1. HA. Your imagery of yourself trying so hard to decide and choosing nothing when it's food has literally never occurred to me and made laugh.

    I hope - as I'm reading this almost three weeks later - that you've come to some sort of resolution so at least part of this pressure is off of you.
