Saturday, December 20, 2014

525,600 Guinea Pigs

    Okay I don't actually have that many guinea pigs. I only have two. I don't know if I could handle that many! I can barely handle my two; they get into everything, but I love them unconditionally.
    Mayday and Applesauce are the only pets I've ever had. I worked really hard to get them. I researched everything anyone could possibly need to know about guinea pigs. I saved every penny I got, every single copper penny I saw, anything to get closer to getting my pigs. (6) From December to March, I didn't spend any amount of money, except for guinea pig necessities. I thought about guinea pigs day and night for about 4 months.
    In March I found the pig pair that I wanted to make mine. A white crested named Twinkle and a mostly black Abyssinian named Rocket. I sent in the adoption request and soon I was on my way to being a pet owner.
    On April 11th 2014, I went to pick up my babies. Upon taking Twinkle into my arms I noticed she had yellow patches, kind of like someone spilled applesauce on her... From that moment on she was Applesauce (which also happens to be my favorite food), or Apple for short. It took some weeks for Rocket to get her official name change. Finally the name came to me. I noticed she kept knocking things over and bullying Applesauce. As I scooped her up to scold her, my iPod began to play some song by Mayday Parade. And it hit me. Like a brick. Mayday was what she caused and that is what she would be called. 
    I love my little pigs. My favorite part of the day is coming home to them standing at the side of the cage, wheeking to greet me. As much trouble as they cause me, I don't know how I'd cope without their cute little faces yelling at me for coming home late or them cuddling up next to me to nap or catching my grandma talking to them and sneaking them bits of apple. 
Mayday, what are you looking for?

Apple, you look so angry...

May, you're so fluffy!

(6)- amplification

1 comment:

  1. They are so cute... I hope they're coming with you to college!!
