Monday, December 22, 2014

High School is the Worst Time of Your Life

    I don't like high school, never have never will. Don't get me wrong I love learning, but high school, Waukegan in particular, is not the place I want to do it. 
    People in high school are so unnecessarily rude. They push you then expect you to apologize and stop to hug each other right in front of the stairs. They make you feel so uncomfortable because you are you. As a person who is always worried how other's view her, hearing one rude comment about my presence makes me rethink my entire life. I hate that about high school.
    I could talk forever about how much I hate homework. It gets in the way of my life. If I actually get all my homework done in one night I will be up until 12 a.m., at least. If I want to go out with friends all my homework has to be done first, and I can't go out on Sunday because it's a school night. I cannot do all my homework on Friday and Saturday. I don't do anything I like anymore because homework has taken over my life. My mom remarked just yesterday that she has one kid she can't get to start doing homework and another she can't get to stop. Why do you do this homework, why? (8)
    I miss family things all the time because of homework and I always take my homework with me. Brother's concert? I got my backpack. Vacation to Lake Geneva? Yup. I have my backpack. In the hospital sick? Don't worry I still have my backpack. I took homework to my grandfather's funeral. No one should be that loaded with homework. Adults like to blame it on waiting to the last minute. NOPE. I'm fairly good about not waiting til the last minute on everything. But I mean my time doesn't matter right?
    In high school no one treats you like an adult but everyone expects you to act like one. I have never understood this logic. Adults also command respect even though half the time they don't deserve it. Then they turn around and say "treat others as you want to be treated!" Yeah, um, I believe that applies to you, sir! Just because I am a minor does not mean I'm going to respect you. Point. Blank. Period. 
    Lately all the old students have been visiting. I can honestly say I'm not coming back all the time, maybe not ever. I am beyond ready to be done with this place.

(8) - apostrophe

1 comment:

  1. Several thing about this post made me stop and take note:
    1. I agree that high school is not the BEST EVER. It's fine. But ultimately just another period of your life.
    2. I feel about grading the way you feel about homework. I always have it with me. i miss the days when I would just always have a book.
    3. Too many adults (especially at WHS) demand respect when they have no idea how to earn it or to treat others with respect. I cannot understand why these people work with students, except perhaps that they have an enormous ego.
